Japanese version

More new merchandise available on the first day of every month. Here are the Millennium Goods for the last 12 months.

Millennium Goods for Sep'23:
Mysterious alien-a. Mysterious alien-b. Mysterious alien-c. The above 3 goods.
Millennium Goods for Oct'23:
Mysterious alien2-a. Mysterious alien2-b. Mysterious alien2-c. The above 3 goods.
Millennium Goods for Nov'23:
Leaf alien-a. Leaf alien-b. Leaf alien-c. The above 3 goods.
Millennium Goods for Dec'23:
Wood alien-a. Wood alien-b. Wood alien-c. The above 3 goods.
Millennium Goods for Jan'24:
Cute alien-a. Cute alien-b. Cute alien-c. The above 3 goods.
Millennium Goods for Feb'24:
White mouth alien-a. White mouth alien-b. White mouth alien-c. The above 3 goods.
Millennium Goods for Mar'24:
Guardian dog alien-a. Guardian dog alien-b. Guardian dog alien-c. The above 3 goods.
Millennium Goods for Apr'24:
Tree alien-a. Tree alien-b. Tree alien-c. The above 3 goods.
Millennium Goods for May'24:
Swirl-eyed alien-a. Swirl-eyed alien-b. Swirl-eyed alien-c. The above 3 goods.
Millennium Goods for Jun'24:
Self portrait alien-a. Self portrait alien-b. Self portrait alien-c. The above 3 goods.
Millennium Goods for Jul'24:
Common alien-a. Common alien-b. Common alien-c. The above 3 goods.
Millennium Goods for Aug'24:
Cork alien-a. Cork alien-b. Cork alien-c. The above 3 goods.
Millennium Goods for Sep'24:
Smiling alien-a. Smiling alien-b. Smiling alien-c. The above 3 goods.
Millennium Goods for Oct'24:
Round eyed alien-a. Round eyed alien-b. Round eyed alien-c. The above 3 goods.

About the Millennium Goods
Currently we can see the history of the human race, the history of life and the history of the universe. As well we can discover interesting and fantastic goods all over the world within these histories. Millennium Goods can show you the choicest goods of history beyond space-time and near your very own back door.
    871rare and unusual items unique to Millennium Goods are posted on this web site. (click here or About the Millennium Goodsfor photographic display and details.)

Mikkiou Art Design
since 5.1.2011
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Screen Printing: What is Screen Printing?
About Screen Printing process.
Mikkiou: T-shirts.
Millennium links: Famous millennium goods.